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Education Through Technology

Smart Class

We have been successful in bringing technology to our classrooms with the introduction of interactive whiteboards or smart boards. These allow students to interact with the lesson content while allowing teachers to integrate a range of resources with their lessons.

Remedial Classes for below-averange students are conducted periodically in the afternoon/morning.

All classes are exposed to audio visual education once a week.A period is set aside for the same.

The school Multi-purpose Hall provided opportunities for screening films, lecture program and Inter House Competitions.

" Do You Know What My Favourite Part Of The Game Is?
The Opportunity To Play. "



The opportunity to play and play well is what we provide for at BPIIS. Sports are as important for the all-round development of a child as are academics. Sports inculcate a sense of responsibility, encourage team spirit, develop discipline and help the child learn to deal with success and failure equally. The BPIIS campus has multiple sports facilities for both indoor and outdoor sports such as cricket, football, volleyball, basketball, badminton, table tennis. BPIIS has also tied up with various institutes and organizations where our students are trained and coached in different sports as a part of after-school activities

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"A Portal To A Different Dimension
Where The Adventure Begins "

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The school library is a place where knowledge, inspiration, imagination and creativity are nurtured. Academic support books, Non-Fiction and Fiction books are the hallmark of our library. Books by Ruskin Bond, Agatha Christie, Paolo Coelho, and many more authors as well as poets are all available for the reading pleasure of the students. A
full time librarian helps the students choose age-appropriate literature .

Modern Learning Spaces

Audio Visual Classrooms

Audiovisual classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art technology to enhance the learning experience. These modern learning spaces integrate sound, visuals, and interactive tools, creating an engaging environment for students. Through the use of projectors, screens, and sound systems, information comes to life, making lessons more immersive and effective. These classrooms empower educators to deliver dynamic presentations and facilitate interactive discussions, promoting a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

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Enhanced Security

Classrooms with CCTV

Our classrooms are equipped with microphones and CCTV cameras to enhance the learning environment and ensure a secure atmosphere. The microphones enable clear and amplified communication, ensuring that every student can hear and participate effectively. Additionally, the CCTV cameras provide continuous monitoring, promoting safety and accountability within the classroom setting. These technologies combine to create a conducive and secure learning space for all.

Safe Transportation

Safe and Convenient Transport

The school has a reliable arrangement with contractors who provide transport to pick children from near their homes and drop them at the same point at the end of the school. The transportation charge (fee) is calculated for eleven months of the year, as per the number of users each year. The school provides transport to students on official request.

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Fitness and Wellness

Yoga & Aerobics

Walk through the lanes of the school premises and you may encounter some students stretching their bodies and relaxing. And this can come only through a regularized routine for Yoga and Aerobics. Various asanas and breathing exercises form an integral part of their schedule. Not only has it developed their physical ability and vitality but has also helped them channelize their energy and temper them down. The several yogic postures and asanas have really enhanced the concentration abilities of our learners.
According to medical scientists, yoga therapy is successful because of the balance created in the nervous and endocrine systems which directly influences all the other systems and organs of the body. Yoga acts both as a curative and preventive therapy. The very essence of yoga lies in attaining mental peace, improved concentration powers, a relaxed state of living and harmony in relationships. Through the practice of yoga, we become aware of the interconnectedness between our emotional, mental and physical levels.

Exploring the Sciences

Science Laboratory

BP Indraprastha International School has the best-designed, spacious, sophisticated and safe Science laboratories. These labs are equipped with the most modern apparatus which encourage students to learn through experiment and research work.
At BPIIS a scientific temperament is nurtured through fully equipped and suitably designed laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Students are encouraged to use the facilities for enhancing their innovative and scientific skills. The Physics, Chemistry and Biology labs at BPIIS cater to the needs of conducting experiments specified by CBSE. As many as 30 students can perform a wide range of experiments simultaneously while the teachers are always at hand to provide constant supervision and guidance for optimum results. Projects can be developed of a very superior standard thereby encouraging investigative analysis and reasoning.

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Physics Lab

Our physics lab is aimed in enabling student to learn physics theories in a more elaborative manner of its applications

Chemistry Lab

The chemistry lab is designed to keep all the statutory norms and safety standards. It is well ventilated as well as spacious.

Biology Lab

In the biology lab, the students study detailed structures, morphological, histological and physiological aspects of plants and animals.

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Tech Learning Space

Computer Lab

Walk through the lanes of the school premises and you may encounter some students stretching their bodies and relaxing. And this can come only through a regularized routine for Yoga and Aerobics. Various asanas and breathing exercises form an integral part of their schedule. Not only has it developed their physical ability and vitality but has also helped them channelize their energy and temper them down. The several yogic postures and asanas have really enhanced the concentration abilities of our learners.
According to medical scientists, yoga therapy is successful because of the balance created in the nervous and endocrine systems which directly influences all the other systems and organs of the body. Yoga acts both as a curative and preventive therapy. The very essence of yoga lies in attaining mental peace, improved concentration powers, a relaxed state of living and harmony in relationships. Through the practice of yoga, we become aware of the interconnectedness between our emotional, mental and physical levels.

Expressive Creativity

Art & Craft Room

Exposure to art and craft activities adds colour, joy and beauty to the lives of the students enhancing their creativity and self expression.
The Visual Arts are an expression of creativity and imagination. It is an outlet for individual thought, visualization exploration of inner creativity, expression of imagination and interpretation of ideas, events and environment.
The endeavour is to infuse a sense of aesthetic appreciation in each child, an ability to enjoy and appreciate beauty. The elaborate Art Studios with the finest faculty, guide the children to achieve finesse through numerous techniques and History of Art.
The Visual Arts Department has a wide range of activities :
Fine Arts | Craft Work” Clay Modelling | Sculpture | Commercial Art | Best out of Waste | Paper recycling | Aesthestic Appreciation.

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Creative Performances

Music & Dance Room

This is the place, where young musicians start their journey to become great composer & where the children unwind and learn the aesthetics of movement.
Classical Dance (Indian & Western), Modern Dance (Indian & Western), Choreography, Direction, Vocal Music (Indian and Western), Instrumental Music (Indian and Western) are all interwoven into the fabric of our Educational experience.
Dance is an ideal means of communication to express what is too deep, too fine for words. BP Indraprastha International School, students learn to choreograph and are made conversant with various Indian and Western dance forms like Indian Classical, Jazz, Hip Hop, Salsa and these are some of the most eagerly awaited moments for self expression and the students can be seen enjoying to the hilt. Lessons in Indian and Western music generate rich cross cultural exposure and sensitize the students to this fine art.The Department of Music and Dance is committed to excellence, innovation, learning in action, and entrepreneurship. Our mission is to bridge dance practice and scholarship and to foster interdisciplinary inquiry. As a trained faculty, we bring a challenging range of perspectives to our teaching and research, and continually re-examine our curriculum in order to prepare both young and mature aspirants for careers in the ever-evolving field of Performing Arts.